On Tuesday 02 February 2010 22:31:02 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> theme support would be fairly easy to add, as far as packaging goes, but
> it  will still require an external tool such as Inkscape for the
> forseeable future. so it will never be "perfect" for theming, it really
> would be just more of a packaging and previewing tool. i wonder if a
> purpose-built tool just for making theme packages wouldn't be better. what
> do you think of dropping themes from the target use cases?

I had written some code one year ago or more that previewed a certain theme in 
a QWidget, with all the theme elements composed. I think it worked well to be 
embedded in an application like plasmate.

That was a quick thing done to develop a theme though, and i don't remember in 
what state it is. if it is of any interest i can work with you at tokamak and 
help you to integrate it (or do it myself).

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