mart added a comment.

  In D23274#538369 <>, @ngraham wrote:
  > I could get behind always having an "app-global" hamburger menu on the left 
when the menubar isn't shown, but this would require implementing the same 
pattern for every app, by putting a little mini-toolbar above the app's sidebar 
that's separate from the toolbar above the view, which would then contain only 
view-specific actions. This is becoming pretty common and Kirigami apps can do 
this easily but our QWidgets apps can't do it as easily. Maybe it's time to 
look into that.
  To me we should look more into the differences of global vs page specific 
  I feel that the 2 different types of toolbars in this screenshot 
(whatsapp,telegram and kirigami gallery vs libreoffice and dolphin)
  both make sense to exist and coexist (even in the same app at once if 
necessary) and they call for different rules and behavior
  F7440946: Screenshot_20190926_210937.png 
  and for the global menu case, an hamburgher menu at the top right makes sense 
(tough to me could well be the ... icon as is kinda "actions that didn't fit 
the global toolbar")
  I would be ok if it was wound a way that visually and conceptually works to 
move the hamburger of column view apps elsewhere, can't think of any
  > Either way I guess I can get on board with having the hamburger menu on the 
left here. We'll also need to do the same thing for Discover then.
  Discover doesn't have any global menu i think? (iirc only an home button?) in 
the case of discover the "global thing" that kinda replaces the menubar becomes 
the sidebar when small or mobile

  R124 System Settings


To: GB_2, #plasma, #vdg, ngraham, mart
Cc: ngraham, mart, #vdg, plasma-devel, #plasma, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, 
jraleigh, fbampaloukas, GB_2, ragreen, ZrenBot, alexeymin, himcesjf, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol

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