On Friday 02 April 2010 16:26:36 todd rme wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Detlev Casanova
> <detlev.casan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So, my point is : there are problems.
> > So far, what's the link with plasma you might ask. Well, I'd like the
> > device notifier to react when a monitor is plugged in, showing the
> > screen. 2 actions should be possible : Auto configure and manual
> > configuration.
> >  -> Auto configure would try to find the best configuration depending on
> > the screen capabilities (read resolutions).
> >  -> Manual configuration would open KRandr.
> There is also an issue with plasma were activities that end up on a
> monitor of the wrong size do not properly re-scale the widgets they
> contain, which can result in widgets overlapping, having unpredictable
> locations, extending off the screen, or having large blank areas.
> Fixing this would probably be a worthwhile task.

Mmmh, I'm not using plasma activities but it's also to be checked, of course.


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