On April 5, 2010, Will Stephenson wrote:
> > The output config should be stored as part of the KDE config (Kephal I
> > guess)
> +1, and this is where KDE really falls behind the competition now that
> fewer Xorgs have fixed configuration files, and we don't have
> store/restorable X configuration in the user session.

hopefully this is already being taken into consideration, but just in case: 

one thing to keep in mind here is ensuring that x.org is set up asap when the 
desktop is started. we have had a number of bug reports related to issues that 
occur when the user logs in and x.org changes resolutions after the desktop is 
loaded. plasma-desktop tends to do just fine in these cases now-a-days, but it 
does add time and computation to the start up sequence.

it would be great if we can guarantee that x.org is fully configured before 
plasma-desktop starts. if that means kicking off that configuration in plasma-
desktop itself, so be it, but i'd personally prefer to see a separate process 
that is guaranteed to run first in the log in process (otherwise we end up 
duplicating this code in all the shells; though we do have 
libplasmagenericshell for that as well i suppose..)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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