2010/4/25 Jonas Müller <jonas.muel...@gmail.com>

> > A Diumenge, 25 d'abril de 2010, Jonas Müller va escriure:
> > > Hi all
> > > I have recently committed a new application to playground/pim.
> >
> > Why pim?
> Because Videocatcher does very similar things to Akregator. Basically it's
> a
> feedreader with download capabilities. I only play back media by calling
> external programs so it has no multimedia functionality at all. it seems to
> me
> it should be in PIM, but maybe it shouldn't?
> > Basically my mail is just to tell you, keep working on it and why pim?
> > Seems more like multimedia.
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Jonas
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I think that this might be something useful inside Plasma Media Center
project.. Anyway it's a bit early probably, but i'd like to see what we can
take from your project.


Alessandro Diaferia
KDE Developer
KDE e.V. member
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