On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Alessandro Diaferia
<alediafe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/4/25 Jonas Müller <jonas.muel...@gmail.com>
>> > A Diumenge, 25 d'abril de 2010, Jonas Müller va escriure:
>> > > Hi all
>> > > I have recently committed a new application to playground/pim.
>> >
>> > Why pim?
>> Because Videocatcher does very similar things to Akregator. Basically it's
>> a
>> feedreader with download capabilities. I only play back media by calling
>> external programs so it has no multimedia functionality at all. it seems
>> to me
>> it should be in PIM, but maybe it shouldn't?
>> > Basically my mail is just to tell you, keep working on it and why pim?
>> > Seems more like multimedia.
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> Jonas
>> >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to
>> >> unsubscribe <<
> I think that this might be something useful inside Plasma Media Center
> project.. Anyway it's a bit early probably, but i'd like to see what we can
> take from your project.

What about an akonadi-based system to handle podcasts and video
podcasts?  Then dataengines could be provided to allow plasma to make
use of it, and other applications (like Amarok, as an example) could
also integrate it.  That way we don't need a bunch of different
implementations doing the same basic thing.

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