On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> On June 4, 2010, Alessandro Diaferia wrote:
>> At the very beginning we had the idea to put a plain VideoWidget behind the
>> transparent-made containment (really, the Plasma::View)
>> but IIRC this is not possible as long as there is a window registered as
>> desktop in the WM.
> the PMC (plasma media center) window isn't a desktop window, so this isn't an
> issue. PMC is a "stays on top", fullscreen window. the video just needs to be
> stack beneath it without any other windows in between. (really, a job for the
> window manager, but for now we'll have to manage that on our own ... it also
> means that PMC will not work non-full screen very well since the geometry of
> the windows would need to be sync'd.) this, btw,  is exactly what LinuxMCE
> does.

A problem with this approach is that with some crappy video drivers
(for sure intel drivers at least until a certain point don't know the
situation nowdays) the portion of a video rendered below an argb
window is a nice solid blue rectangle, so won't be usabe at all.
that said, for having something quickly demo-able i still think it's
the better way (and just f... the bad video drivers)
I would really love to have the video in canvas in the future, but
really doesn't seem doable right now, besides small thumbnail previews
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