> I suggest to move this discussion to the mailing list plasma-devel@kde.org
I have added the ML as recipient.

> So, the tiling system is aimed to be very basic, and more akin Windows
> "Fancy zones" than a complete tiling window manager (we are thinking
> about renaming the effect to be more clear)

I see, that would definitely avoid the confusion.

> That said, I still want it to be possible to build a full tiling
> window manager on top of it, and for that, using the javascript
> scripting bindings.
> there are already 3rd party scripts that attempt to do that, like one
> called polonium https://github.com/zeroxoneafour/polonium tough is
> still quite buggy

I have checked polonium before, unfortunately for me it was way too buggy
to use it on a daily basis.

> because the base system and api that exposes trough
> JS is still not complete enough (the per-desktop layout for instance
> is something really broken because it should really be managed in the
> base system)

If it's okay I'd like to contribute more to that front. If you can go into
detail what needs to be implemented, I'll be happy to look into that :)

Aakarsh MJ

On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 2:52 PM Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> sorry if you didn't get any answer on the matrix channel, we should
> definitely improve on that.
> So, the tiling system is aimed to be very basic, and more akin Windows
> "Fancy zones" than a complete tiling window manager (we are thinking
> about renaming the effect to be more clear)
> That said, i still want it to be possible to build a full tiling
> window manager on top of it, and for that, using the javascript
> scripting bindings.
> there are already 3rd party scripts that attempt to do that, like one
> called polonium https://github.com/zeroxoneafour/polonium tough is
> still quite buggy because the base system and api that exposes trough
> JS is still not complete enough (the per-desktop layout for instance
> is something really broken because it should really be managed in the
> base system)
> I suggest to move this discussion to the mailing list plasma-devel@kde.org
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 7:58 AM Aakarsh MJ <mj.aka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Marco,
> > My name is Aakarsh MJ, I am a kde contributor from India contributing
> mostly to Merkuro and KDE Eco. Last year, I did GSoC with KDE working on
> the merkuro(formerly Kalendar) mail integrations and Season of KDE this
> year working on integrating remote measurement lab into okular's pipeline.
> I was looking to contribute to plasma and on the matrix channel I was told
> to start with something that I'd like to see improved.
> >
> > I am sorry if this is not the right place to ask this. I had tried
> asking this on the matrix channel but I didn't get any response and since
> you contributed this feature I thought It would be best if I contact you
> regarding this, I hope it is okay. So the new tiling system is something I
> really like. It has definitely far improved my workflow than before but I
> feel it can do with some more improvements. I am not sure how much of it is
> currently possible but I'll list some of them so that I can get an input if
> it's possible to do and if it is, then I can work on it.
> >
> >     1. Auto tiling on changing the layout.
> >     2. Supporting separate tiling layouts for different virtual desktops.
> >     3. Moving windows to different positions inside the layout through
> key combinations.
> >     4. Possibility of defining padding for Single window configurations.
> >
> > I understand it's not meant to be window tiling replacement from what I
> read from Nate's blog but if any of these are possible to achieve and okay
> with the current goals I'd like to work on it.
> >
> > Additionally, I have built Plasma 6 from source and have helped a tiny
> bit in bug triaging before.
> >
> > Thanks for your time and consideration.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Aakarsh MJ
> --
> Marco Martin

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