> The script could keep a copy of every window-tile association and
> reassign everything on every desktop switch but would be
> kinda error prone and have too much complexity on javascript side.
> What really needsto happen here is an internal support of tiles
> per-visrtualdesktop on kwin side (ideally the cartesian product of
> screen,virtualdesktop and activities)  but it will be a significant

I see, can you link the files that need the refactor?

What I can suggest is I can take a look at those files and prepare a design
document incorporating the changes that the community can take a look at
provided the community is onboard with the refactor although It will take
some time to prepare the document depending on the complexity and size of
the issue.

Aakarsh MJ

On Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 1:18 PM Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 1:43 PM Aakarsh MJ <mj.aka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > there are already 3rd party scripts that attempt to do that, like one
> > > called polonium https://github.com/zeroxoneafour/polonium tough is
> > > still quite buggy
> >
> > I have checked polonium before, unfortunately for me it was way too
> buggy to use it on a daily basis.
> yeah, for now i', not sure polonium "can" be much bettergiven the
> underlying features.
> A significant thing missing that i seen is virtual desktops support,
> as tiles are at the moment per-screen and not (yet)
> per-virtualdesktop, so even just switching desktop it kinda breaks the
> layout.
> The script could keep a copy of every window-tile association and
> reassign everything on every desktop switch but would be
> kinda error prone and have too much complexity on javascript side.
> What really needsto happen here is an internal support of tiles
> per-visrtualdesktop on kwin side (ideally the cartesian product of
> screen,virtualdesktop and activities)  but it will be a significant
> refactor
> --
> Marco Martin

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