A Sexta, 25 de Fevereiro de 2011 12:29:52 Marco Martin você escreveu:
> On Friday 25 February 2011, Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> > You would like my solution to this problem....... I call its space :)
> > the desktp is a view on a linear expanding space (it just expandes side
> > ways)... that revolves into itself, (you can make the space grow or
> > shrink ). and you can scrool the space in your desktop view.... This is
> > not much difrent from the desktop we have now, just that you can stop a
> > view in betwin virtual desktops.
> > 
> > Ortogonal to this space you would have activities that are simple
> > colections of spaces, in an activity everything can be diferent. just
> > like in our cuurrent activities.... wen you browse them you woud see
> > stacks of spaces piled one ot top of the other....
> let's call this "analog" virtual desktops, where your viewport can be
> positioned in any place of the extended huge desktop

cool :)

> > Problems.... aparently the way virtual desktops are build do not alow
> > this to be real, secondly I would have to make realy huge wallpaper that
> > would
> not sure about our virtual desktops right now.. seems that the workspaces
> of compiz are slightly nearer to the concept

this is from wen i frist had this idea and talked with martin about it...

> > be continous strips. Third, a realy elegant presentation of this concep
> > needs a opengl canvas.
> what about a wallpaper that is just *slightly* bigger and have an huge
> parallax effect? ;) (even the space for widgets shouldn't be much bigger, i
> think)

I have done several wallpaers for the n900 and as a result i ended up 
becomning not so bad at "stitching" wallpapers we could even create wallpaers 
on the go... using traditional wallpapers and some tricks i learned.

> > But this would solve the problem as it realy makes activities and
> > desktops ortogonal visualy speaking. plus it woul be somthing that
> > relates much more to real life space tends to be circular around us...we
> > can put documents out of our view but easy to reach it by simply movig
> > our view to it...
> btw, to see a bit how this could behave, unfortunately somebody already
> tought about this already (and even more unfortunately, it's a windows
> application) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-R2SU4dKa8
> http://www.360desktop.com/

Gi one can't have an original idea this days:)
still its should be much more fluid than that ... and paralax maybe an 
interesting idea for the movment.... needs testing...
A side efect of this would be that a quinda obvius set of efects would need to 
be defoult.... IMO a good ting...

O and imagine what we could do for dual head setups in such a enviroment.... 
you could position the view's any ware on the strip glue them toguether, 
overlap them or put them in completly difrent places...  O well one can dream 
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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