On 07/16/2011 03:36 PM, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> On Saturday 16 July 2011 15:24:56 Alex Fiestas wrote:
>> Hi there
>> One of the issues I have when I setup my XRandR config is that plasma
>> fails to set the composite theme (the good looking with ARGB one).
>> After thinking about it a little bit, and knowing how KWin and Plasma
>> are handling XRandR events I think I know where the bug is.
>> When adding a new screen XRandR produces 3 events: move, resize,
>> screenAdded. For each of these events KWin will restart the composite.
>> At the same time, Plasma listens ot each of these events and do its part
>> of the job (resizing panels etc), and I guess that is in these events
>> where plasma updates the Theme (and ask if composite is on). This will
>> eventually fail since KWin can be in the mdidle of restarting the
>> composite, so Plasma will sue the not-compositing theme instead.
>> After checking how KWindowSystem::compositingActive works on X11 I'm out
>> of ideas of how to fix this issue correctly, so maybe we've to add a
>> workaround in Plasma or maybe something else between KWin and Plasma.
>> Any ideas?
> The bug is much simpler - Plasma just simply fails to recognize that a 
> compositing manager is
> active. I can see this each time I restart kwin (which is considerable 
> often). In order to get
> translucent panels back, I have to kquitapp plasma-desktop, plasma-desktop.
Well glad to see that this bug is simpler :p

> If anyone knows where to look at in Plasma code, I would try to fix it as it 
> deeply annoys me.
Same here.
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