On Saturday, July 16, 2011 15:36:19 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> The bug is much simpler - Plasma just simply fails to recognize that a
> compositing manager is active. I can see this each time I restart kwin
> (which is considerable often). In order to get translucent panels back, I
> have to kquitapp plasma-desktop, plasma-desktop.

Plasma::Theme uses a KSelectionWatcher which watches _NET_WM_CM_S# where # is
the number of the default screen.

i can imagine a few things going wrong with this:

* the default screen # changes or even goes away completely; that could render
the selection manager useless. why is the CM atom per screen again? *sigh*

* a race condition as Alex outlined. if kwin is indeed responding to each
xrandr even with a change in the CM, that seems like a perfect candidate for
event compression if at all possible: don't tell the world outside that things
have changed until the events have stopped coming in. the timeout for this
shouldn't need to be long at all, so the user shouldn't see a big change at

* KSelectionWatcher itself and/or kwin's setting of the atom could be broken.
in times past we've had isses where the KSelectionWatcher object simply did
not emit any signals at all when kwin changed compositing.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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