On Thursday 29 September 2011, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> Hi all,
> the work on the new screen locker implementation is nearly done (I can
> unlock again :-) and that brings me to an issue where I wanted to have
> more opinions: screensaver.


> But when compositing is turned off, you currently get the plain old
> implementation including screen savers. And I don't want to change that
> code.

there is a thing tecnically wise that i don't really understand:
that locker effect after all is a full screen window...
what of it tecnically actually depends from compositing?
iirc you were once talking about a subset of effects that wouldn't need it, 
was this possible at all?

> So there are some solutions:
> * drop screensaver support altogether, probably would create some troubles
> as evil KDE removed screensavers * add Plasma widget support to new screen
> locker implementation but drop screensaver support (same problems as first
> option)
> * add a fallback to legacy mode if a screen saver is configured. Means same
> security problems are present again which were the reason for moving the
> screen locker to KWin in the first place

i wouldn't mind losing screensaver support completely.
what i think should remain is the plasmoids support tough, that yes, belongs 
more to the screen locker.
it looks not so hard stuffing an entire plasma shell into the qml locker 
effect, but i think it should -really- be available without compositing as 

> A possible solution for the user issue could be to clearly advertise that
> security reasons are responsible for removing screensaver support. Also an
> improved login process I have in my mind: with only one user configured do
> not stop at KDM but log in directly with screen locked. The unlock dialog
> would then be shown after the complete session has been loaded, so instant
> usage after typing in the password.

this could make sense, of course old kdm is needed where actual multiuser is 
needed, big deployments and such.

Marco Martin
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