On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:14 PM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> So there are some solutions:
> * drop screensaver support altogether, probably would create some troubles as 
> evil KDE removed screensavers
> * add Plasma widget support to new screen locker implementation but drop 
> screensaver support (same problems as
> first option)
> * add a fallback to legacy mode if a screen saver is configured. Means same 
> security problems are present again
> which were the reason for moving the screen locker to KWin in the first place

What about implementing a screensaver plasma wallpaper backend?  This
would show screensavers as plasma wallpapers.  Then you could go with
the second option and get screensaver support for free in a leck
hackish way.  I know there have been requests from at least several
people for a screensaver wallpaper backend for plasma since before it
was even released, so this would solve the problem while benefiting
plasma as a whole.

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