On Monday, 2011-10-03, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Monday, October 3, 2011 18:34:19 Kevin Krammer wrote:
> > idea is to do something similar to the device notifier
> > applet, i.e. something that shows the mail related agents and their basic
> > status in a popup, expanding on click and having actions like "toggle
> > offline/online" available from there.
> cool :) i imagine there might be some conceptual overlap with Lion Mail
> which shows what emails are coming in and even lets you read them right
> from its interface, and that perhaps it could make sense to extend Lion
> Mail in this direction?

I think Lion Mail is more about mail content than resource monitoring and 
IMHO like folder view vs. device notifier.

But I have to admit I didn't have a look at Lion's capabilties yet.
Also see below.

> i also wonder about the intersection of IM, social websites (facebook,
> twitter) and email, though that is probably going a bit too far too
> quickly.

I was addressing mail in particular because it is the one biggest need for 
good interaction points due to its requirements such as network bandwidth, not 
wanting to fetch POP3 mails from more than one computer at once, etc.

Since mail is only but one data type handled by Akonadi this would also be 
useful for, e.g. stopping/starting connections to a calendar server or remote 
calendar file, but I making it work properly for mail has priority.

I actually wrote a basic data engine about a year ago [1], but didn't have 
time to follow up on this myself.


[2] also blogged about it back then: http://blogs.kde.org/node/4283

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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