On Monday, 2011-10-03, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> Hi workspace people,
> part of the 4.7 changes is email becoming available as a service instead of
> being bound to specific applications.
> The application previously the only master of sending and receiving mails,
> KMail, is obviously still equipped with the necessary facilties to do its
> job.
> However, since this is no longer a tight coupling the other way around, it
> would IMHO greatly improve our workspace experience if we could control and
> monitor email exchange through workspace components.
> I could try to implement something myself, but I am not very good at nice
> UI, yet alone fancy UI :)
> So I was wondering if any person(s) with Plasma UI skills would be
> available to work as a team, i.e. me writing whatever Akonadi interaction
> code, data engine, etc. would be needed and someone else doing the user
> facing stuff.

I copied the code from my first attempt of a data engine from SVN to a git 
scratch repository: scratch/krake/akonadiagents-dataengine

Or for those using kdesrc-build:

module akonadiagents-dataengine
    repository g...@git.kde.org:scratch/krake/akonadiagents-dataengine.git
end module

Call for help on UI side still stands of course.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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