Hi Giorgos,

On Wednesday, February 29, 2012 14:11:24 Giorgos Tsiapaliwkas wrote:
> this year I want to apply for the GSOC 2012 for the plasma project.
> My idea for plasma's GSOC 2012 is to make plasmate ready for release.

One thing that I'd really like to see, and which would boost the usefulness of 
Plasmate is a remote installer, so that you can push a button which copies 
your plasmoid package onto a device running Plasma (Active) and runs it, so 
you can try it on a touch screen. That could be done with scp, for example.

There's another thing which is fairly confusing right now but very basic and 
expected by every developer: a debugging console, basically a way to see what 
the "print()" statements in your code output. That would need to be solved as 
well (even if in a pretty basic fashion). The good news is that this will be a 
lot easier with QML2 (which is out of scope for this proposal, but still 
interesting: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2012/03/01/debugging-qt-quick-2-console-
api/ ).

Otherwise, your proposal looks good, well structured and clearly laid out. It 
might be useful to note priorities for your "problems", to mention in which 
order you want to tackle them. (It can always happen that an items takes 
longer than expected, in which case you should have a clear strategy of 
clearing that time.) For example, some of the refactoring tasks are surely 
nice-to-have, but don't contribute immediately to the goals of making it 
release-ready / immediately useful. I'd personally move those to the end of 
the list.

I'd be happy to mentor you, btw. :)


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