On Thursday, March 8, 2012 21:04:49 Giorgos Tsiapaliwkas wrote:
> Hello,
> this is my modified proposal,
> -Task 1
> --Problem 1
> Right now plasmate doesn't support all the debugging tools which we offer.
> Those debugging
> tools live under kde-workspace/plasma/generic/tools.
> --Solution 1
> a.Move all the debugging tools from kde-workspace/plasma/generic/tools and
> kde-runtime/plasma/tools
> into plasmate's repository(maybe we should rename the repository to Plasma
> SDK)

for kde-workspace/plasma/generic/tools i think it makes sense to put them all 
into the plasmate repo. the runtime tools need to stay where they are as they 
are used by 3rd party apps for things like package installation, and plasmate 
can rely on them being there as well.

> Expected time: this task has to be done by a sysadmin since I don't have
> that kind of access.

nah .. you can do this. you just need to run a git branch history over the 
plasma-workspace/plasma/generic/tools directory and run those commits into 
plasmate, then remove the directory from plasma-workspace.
> c.our debugging tools will still live as standalone applications and also
> us plasmate's plugins.

sounds good.

> -Task 2
> --Problem 2
> Plasmate and plasmoidviewer have duplicate code.  Also plasma-previewer(the
> plasmate's code
> for plasmoid debugging) is more modular than the plasmoidviewer's code.
> Plasma-previewer is more modular but plasmoidviewer has more features than
> the plasma-previewer.
> --Solution 2
> Replace plasma-previewer's code with plasmoidviewer's and make
> plasmoidviewer's code more modular
> in order to be reused by plasmate.

i would like to see the menus from plasma-prevewier in plasmoidviewer, 
however. having to restart plasmoidviewer to get different results sucks :) 
otherwise, +1

> variable. Plasmoidviewer
> should provide an option for that (I will add this option).


the rest of the tasks look excellent and well though out. if you can put a 
page together on the wiki documenting this that would be great, and i might 
even blog about it to hopefully drum up some more participation.

Aaron J. Seigo

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