On 03/10/2012 07:51 AM, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
Hi all,

I was considering to clean up the window decorations in KWin. Currently we
* Oxygen (default)
* Aurorae (theme engine)
* b2
* laptop
* Plastik

At least for Plastik we know that it is currently broken with Compositing and
nobody is going to fix that. All decorations except Oxygen and Aurorae have
not seen any (real) commits since 2009. I consider them as bitrotting.

In the past we did one decoration removal where we moved the decorations to
kde-artwork. I don't think that kde-artwork should be the dumping ground for
visually outdated decorations. And with git that would not be possible anyway.

Another solution of the past had been to move the code to tag/unsupported
which also does no longer work. So what to do?

So I propose the following changes:
1. git rm b2 laptop plastik
2. move Oxygen out of the KWin source tree to have all of Oxygen in one place
Hi Martin,

1. I'm all for removing the unmaintained decoration.
2. I'm not sure about the rationale for moving oxygen's (deco) out of kwin tree. It is a decoration client, and therefore would best stay is in kwin/clients. (especially since it has to be build on top of kwin, unlike oxygen's "libs" and oxygen's "style").

As for the argument "having all oxygen's code in one place". Well, that would also require to have oxygen's widget style and oxygen's lib at the same place. (which one ?). And you would still need a "liboxygen.so" anyway, I think, for the code that is shared by the widget style and the decoration.

This to say, what would the moving actually address, solve ?
(you do need to build kwin anyway in order to build oxygen's client).

3. rename "clients" to "decoration" as I personally find the name confusing
due to the fact that there is also a Client class in KWin

Deleting the old decorations will mean removing the only decorations which
work well for thin clients or X forwarding. But I don't consider this an
important enough use case to keep visually outdated decorations around.

Any comments?


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