On Monday, May 14, 2012 08:42:39 gnomek wrote:
> Please, create panel and plasma colors, fonts and other plasma elements
> configuration tool. Especially I'd like to be able easily change font
> size, font color, active and inactive application tab color on panel,
> date color, kickoff fonts and color, transparency, gradient.

there is a font control panel; there is a theme customization control panel. 
beyond that, transparency and gradients are not the sort of thing that most 
people can simply "turn some knobs" and make look good; translucency settings 
are also not something that can be applied, with good results anyways, to an 
entire pre-existing bitmap (it is easy enough to do but the results are almost 
always low quality)

> Please, don't take it as another complaint.

without effort applied to create useful change, it is only a complaint.

> For users that are not developers it is hard to edit all these
> configuration files manually. So, the choice is narrow - either you like
> what you get or you can't customize.

i opened krunner. typed "theme". the second option (after mouse cursor theme) 
was for the desktop theme. i selected that and a control panel came up. it has 
a details tab which allows me to select elements from different themes.

if i want more than that, then i need to open up inkscape and start drawing. 
this is not different than "i don't like how <feature> works" usually means 
opening the code in a text editor to improve it.

> Perhaps it won't be a priority for you but at least please accept the
> idea and start talking about it.

we discussed most / all of this in years past, actually.

Aaron J. Seigo

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