On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12:02:20 gnomek wrote:
> > without effort applied to create useful change, it is only a complaint.
> This way you could treat the whole Brainstorm section of the KDE forum
> as a complaint.

there are entries in the Brainstorm section that have mockups and worked out 
design concepts. i consider those nice contributions.

the rest i see as bug reports, feature requests and/or complaints.

there is a lot of work that goes into something between "identify the 
annoyance" and "start to code". identifying the annoyance is often really 
easy. finding the actual problem, stating the use case(s), deriving a solution 
.. those are harder, all happen before coding starts and does not require any 
knowledge of programming.

there is a process to creating machines such as software. to me Brainstorm is 
a way for more people to get involved with that process. but they need to get 
involved with the process. not just list a bunch of problem statements. 
literally anyone can do that and it does not result in solutions until 
creative and design process is applied.

> I simply state that some things might be
> done differently, perhaps better. Of course I don't know how it looks
> from code point of view but I hope it is possible.

it isn't a coding issue, actually ...

> I simply state that from the point of view of regular user although KDE
> offers a lot more configuration options it is much easier to set custom
> colors for panel in Gnome 2.

same in kde3. now go try and make scalable panels that don't cover the entire 
screen edge which look good. there are tradeoffs.

"set a custom color" is a mechanism; what's the purpose / use case for it?

btw, i trust you are aware that themes which do not ship with their own colour 
scheme can be tinted at runtime by the desktop colour scheme. it's a theme 

> At least it would be great if some png file could be displayed as panel
> background without any additional effects, the same way as it was in
> Gnome 2, without need to edit some svgz files in inkscape.

unless we give up on having scalable panels, this can't work.

a "theme creator" that assembles png's for a person into the proper svg files 
might be handy, of course.

Aaron J. Seigo

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