On Monday, June 4, 2012 18:36:32 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> FrameSvg is awesome, that stands. At the same time it is filled with
> unused features. And misused features :)

then let's go through the API and mark which are which so we can plan properly
for libplasma2. as you made the assertion, i'd like to ask you go first :)

> The issue with the current usage of it (and we are all to blame for
> this one - it *is* a nice tool that covers a lot of use-cases) is that
> it exists as a first class citizen - if you just want a simple
> round-corner rectangle painted, you still need to use svgs. (iirc,

* where is that written?

* what are the real performance issues with this? (as in: has anyone measured?
i did a bunch of measurement a couple years ago so that we got to the current
acceptable point...)

Aaron J. Seigo

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