On Friday 08 June 2012 14:39:37 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> ~15kLOC current delta, 10K LOC of "real" delta once workspace and kdelibs
> branches get merged, and 250k LOC total (well, closer to 300K depending on
> what you count; but i'm being a little conservative in what i included
> there)
> the 250k number is libplasma + runtime components relevant to libplasma +
> relevant kde-workspace libraries + generic plugins (dataengines, plasmoids).
> if i am more liberal and include components that "could be but maybe not"
> considered part of the shared workspace, it goes up closer to 300k.
> the Plasma Desktop delta from the base 250-300K LOC is 25k LOC.
> the Plasma Netbook delta is 4.2K LOC.
> so Netbook is the smallest, Active is in the middle and Desktop has the most
> added to it on top of the share core bits.

Much clearer, thanks.

> Desktop is so big because of things like kickoff, the tasks widget and the
> relative complexity of plasma-desktop itself (which will come down when we
> move all of that to QML).

Yes, that would be my expectations as well. Looking forward to the
QMLification of those.

> > > there was also a discussion on g+ (not a good location, i know :) about
> > > QML'ifying system settings between myself and the system settings
> > > maintainer (and others). we'll probably take things we've learned from
> > > Active Settings and apply it there.
> >
> > Since we agree that Google+ was probably not the best location for such a
> > discussion, any chance to have a link to it for reference?
> https://plus.google.com/100202326091940882253/posts/j9N6kAp7bk2


Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud patron of KDE, http://www.kdab.com

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