On Friday, June 8, 2012 14:30:18 Kevin Ottens wrote:
> On Friday 08 June 2012 14:09:36 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > the design of Plasma lets us take the overwhelming majority of code and
> > re-use it across workspace shells. that's the entire point. i've
> > calculated
> > that the current delta between Active and Desktop is ~15000 LOC, and that
> > once we merge some branches (e.g. the QML screen locking branch) that will
> > drop down to ~10k LOC. the other ~250 LOC (not counting kdelibs, qt, and
> > all that of course :) is shared.
> I guess there's typo in the numbers, doesn't quite add up to me. Any chance
> you could help me there with proper numbers?

~15kLOC current delta, 10K LOC of "real" delta once workspace and kdelibs 
branches get merged, and 250k LOC total (well, closer to 300K depending on 
what you count; but i'm being a little conservative in what i included there)

the 250k number is libplasma + runtime components relevant to libplasma + 
relevant kde-workspace libraries + generic plugins (dataengines, plasmoids). 
if i am more liberal and include components that "could be but maybe not" 
considered part of the shared workspace, it goes up closer to 300k.

the Plasma Desktop delta from the base 250-300K LOC is 25k LOC. 

the Plasma Netbook delta is 4.2K LOC. 

so Netbook is the smallest, Active is in the middle and Desktop has the most 
added to it on top of the share core bits. Desktop is so big because of things 
like kickoff, the tasks widget and the relative complexity of plasma-desktop 
itself (which will come down when we move all of that to QML).

> > there was also a discussion on g+ (not a good location, i know :) about
> > QML'ifying system settings between myself and the system settings
> > maintainer (and others). we'll probably take things we've learned from
> > Active Settings and apply it there.
> Since we agree that Google+ was probably not the best location for such a
> discussion, any chance to have a link to it for reference?


Aaron J. Seigo

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