On Thursday 21 June 2012 14:47:36 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> i can see having a list of maintainers for components that are "strongly
> maintained" by an individual, such as the comics applet (to pick something
> completely at random). but then ... using git i'd be able to figure that out
> immediately as well.
I see a very good reason to do it:
getting an overview of what actually has an active maintainer and which parts 
of plasma are currently unmaintained (my translation of "community 
maintained"). For the areas which are unmaintained it is useful to try to 
attract new developers. Maybe someone wants to take care of e.g. the bouncing 
ball. So just for that reason I think it would be a good thing to do it once.

The second reason I think that would be useful is to use the result to adjust 
the default assignee/cc list in bugzilla. Having people caring about "their" 
products inside Plasma would be something nice to have. One maintainer can 
much better get a look over the bugs he is responsible for than the complete 
community maintained approach.

Apart from that I doubt that this list would be maintainable, but it would 
make sense in my opinion to do this as an inventary once a year or so.
> i can definitely understand wanting to have notation for who oversees which
> group of technologies: e.g. who is responsible for libplasma, for plasma in
> workspace and runtime (or which large parts of it...), for solid, for
> networking, for power management, for window management and composition ..
> etc. that would be useful for understanding how the overall product splits
> down into projects with team leadership.
> is that what we're looking for rather than a module-by-module break down of
> plasma?
That's more useful for the main overview, yes. And could include important 
Plasma components like e.g. Battery Applet.


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