On Friday 17 August 2012, Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> as I said you probably dont want to open that can of worms, like many
> things in oss it will take its time to get it fixed as it requires people
> to start thinking difrently.. on a side note you should notice that
> virtualy all desktops (including mobile and tablet)  have the systry icons
> monochrome
that is a part of removing visual noise, not having too many colors in the 
panel, an area always seen is important.

the concept of the systray is that it should contain no more than 3-4 items 
with instantly recognizable shape that tell things that really needs to be 
always known and under the eyes, or becomes quite useless immediately
(little game, name each one of 

so, going monochrome reduces noise, leaving only what's is actually important 
reduces noise.
something that may be worth trying is to put by default icons of "application" 
category in the hidden area (can still be explicitly shown by the user) this 
can already be done reliably now

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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