On Thursday, August 16, 2012 21:47:12 Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> one thing lead to another and I acoured to me that the timing is perfect for
> a release were we focus on the basic desktop, and we market it just like
> that a "back to basics" release for the big 4.10, so we would do a few
> litle thing that improve the basic desktop experience the things people use
> 90% of the time, and we market that, we market that we still care about
> mouse and keyboard interaction and what works.

first, purpose drives technology. thinking first about what would be clever 
marketing and try to form fit the technolgy to it is a losing concept. either 
that or the justin bieber desktop would be the best thing ever.

just look at the thread on kde-promo ... the relevant phrase is "tail wagging 

if you ever feel it is important to CC a marketing list when thinking about 
discussing technology, delete the email (or whatever) immediately, think it 
through a bit more and send it to the relevant tech list instead with actual 

so ...

there are no "basics".

never have been.

never will be.

i respect and admire the desire to make things better. that's always a good 
thing. but what thing(s) should be better?

you mention at some point the mouse/keyboard driven concept (because we've 
obviously lef that behind or something apparently) and that is perhaps a good 
start. so WHAT aspect of mouse/keyboard interaction could be improved?

Aaron J. Seigo

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