
As some might notice [0], we are working with Alex Fiestas on new display 
management for KDE. I'm now working on new KCM. Aaron suggested in comments 
below the blog post that it would be nice to discuss design of the KCM with 
you, Plasma guys. 

As d_ed and few others suggested, I have rewritten the bottom control pane to 
use standard QWidgets rather then QML, so now it looks like this: [1].

Still, I really suck at UI design, so I would appreciate any input from you on 
what can improve not just integration with the rest of Workspaces but also 
user experience.

There are two problems with icons I already know about, but I'm unsure of the 
what the best step would be:
        1) icons for rotation - should I make special "90 deg clockwise" and 
deg counterclockwise" icons, as shown here [2]?
        2) icon for primary output - some people did not understand that the 
bookmark icon represents primary monitor. Is it OK or should I try to find 
something better (and what do you think would fit best)?

If you want to try it, you need my "fork" of Alex's libkscreen (contains 
things I didn't send to Alex for review yet) from scratch/dvratil/libkscreen-
clone.git and the KCM from scratch/dvratil/displayconfiguration.git

Note: the KCM can be already used to configure monitors, but does not yet 
react to changes (i.e. it won't update when you unplug a monitor)


[0] https://www.progdan.cz/2012/09/display-management-in-kde/
[1] http://i.imgur.com/Lijng.png
[2] http://i.minus.com/j0jCsZ3DaQQPO.jpg

dvra...@redhat.com | Associate Software Engineer / BaseOS / KDE, Qt
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