On Tuesday 02 October 2012, Dan Vrátil wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 of October 2012 14:52:50 Marco Martin wrote:
> > On Tuesday 02 October 2012, Marco Martin wrote:
> > > * no underline below the resolution
> > > * could them be a bit spaced? now they are touching and looks quite
> > > cramped
> > > * green rounded rectanlgles doesn't look that good
> > 
> > ah, another thing: what is the use of that "i" icon? it seems rendered at
> > the wrong size, should at least be rendered at an unscaled size (any size
> > known to kiconloader)
> It's equivalent to "Identify outputs" button in the krandr KCM. It's
> unscaled because of a bug (??) in QIconItem from qmlextracomponents, which
> seems to only load Desktop size of the icon, regardless of the actual
> dimensions of the QML item.

hmm, weird, should use the nearest smaller right dimension
try to do
width: theme.mediumIconSize
height: width

Marco Martin
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