Hey all,

here's the current status of the SocialFeed project:
 * parts needed in kdepimlibs are in place
 * facebook resource is in review for kdepim-runtime
 * libkfacebook^W libkfbapi is in kdereview to be included in extragear/libs
 * the plasmoid is in a branch
 * the qml plugin still lives in a scratch repo

There are still some issues with the plasmoid (like the scrollbar thingy)
and some missing functionality (any interaction on the posts). I personally
think it's moreless alpha quality product right now, not really tested (as
it seems I'm the only one testing it) and given tomorrow's hard feature
freeze and my limited time to work on this, I'm unsure if I should push for
including this in 4.10. I'd rather prefer putting the plasmoid and the qml
plugin into playground/extragear for 4.10, finish it there, release
separately so packagers can provide it and people test it, and then
possibly release with 4.11 as a top quality product.

What do you think?

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
Plasma-devel mailing list

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