On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:

> On Wednesday 07 November 2012 16:03:24 Alex Fiestas wrote:
> > On Wednesday 07 November 2012 15:05:43 Marco Martin wrote:
> > >
> > > i think the most reasonable way would be aiming to do an independent
> > > release that can work on top of 4.10, and then aiming for 4.11
> >
> > I agree with marco, having it as an independent app will allow you to
> > release things as often as you require and will allow to everybody else
> to
> > test it without having to wait 9months.
> +1

Yup, that was pretty much my plan :)

> @MartinK: maybe sync with a ktp release? And maybe sync the ktp release
> with
> SC release?

Could be done, yeah. KTp has no concrete release plan yet, it's "sometime
december". Though in the past when we did a release together with SC, we
registered way less interest in the release than when we did it standalone
and so we decided to go either closely before or closely afterwards SC.
I'll bring that up on the next meeting.

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Kevin Krammer <kram...@kde.org> wrote:

> Since the pimlibs stuff will be part of kdepimlibs 4.10, I think the best
> way
> forward would be to have all other components a extragear material for the
> upcoming cycle.
> You could even make that one extragear thing, since all of them need to be
> deployed together anyway (no point of having the plasma applet without the
> Akonadi resource and very little point vice versa).

Yeah, good point. This also raises the question where it should be placed
in the future (the socialfeed qml plugin and the plasmoid) - I'm happy for
kdepim-runtime as it depends on that. And if putting both things there is
fine, then I'll create one repo and import both projects in there, to have
just one thing just like you said. Would that be ok with plasma team?

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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