2013/8/21 Sebastian Kügler <se...@kde.org>:
> On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 17:12:10 Daniel Nicoletti wrote:
>> 2013/8/21 Martin Graesslin <mgraess...@kde.org>:
>> > Yes I noticed that for example you still talk about KDE as software in
>> > your
>> > blog posts. To be honest I have to cringe if I read it, because it makes
>> > the task of everyone more difficult who tries to work on the
>> > repositioning of the brand.
>> Well if I write an app using Qt people call it a Qt app, when you use KDE FW
>> it becomes a KDE app. So what should I call the software I write when using
>> KDE FW?
> Just to chime in here, this is clearly wrong. A KDE App (or project, if you
> will) is not defined by its technical dependencies, but by the people who
> write it, see manifesto.kde.org.
Ok, then what am I doing wrong in calling my stuff KDE stuff?
http://manifesto.kde.org/benefits.html lists what I do on my
projects, I was arguing about Martin saying that I talk KDE as software
but KDE projects are mostly software no? This is too controversial,
I know the idea is the we KDE are a community, but it's a community
that have projects and software hence why am wrong in saying
KDE software? It's software made by KDE people.

> Daniel, I think you've gone a few years back in time, stuck your fingers
> firmly into your ears as to the reasoning of the whole rebranding, and are now
> trying to turn back the clocks for no good reason.
I never intended to question the rebranding thing, I really don't care about it,
KDE has always been a community just like Gnome and Linux are, making
sure KDE isn't more just a desktop isn't the point I'm making.

What I'm saying is that people still install distros choosing the "KDE desktop",
and not the Plasma desktop, and this is one of the reasons why I
believe Plasma 2,
is the right name, this way people can know what plasma shell is and use this.
In short don't you think the whole new 5 cycle needs more coordinating between
all parts, will it be an SC, will there be an official shell of course
if this is really
going to happen? As you said the rebranding happened years ago but somehow
I'm only seeing it affect software (as in releases) now.

> Would you mind giving the rebranding another try to actually understand it,
> and not work against what has been years of work, and not an easy, but very
> much necessary endeavour? Then we could actually move forward, instead of one
> step ahead, two steps back.
Just forget I mentioned KDE and SC, just take my +1 on Plasma 2, this
is becoming
an endless and unnecessary discussion, already regret for giving my 2c
please give
them back :P
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