Hi all ,

          I finally got the kubuntu 13.10 ISO and installed it on VBox . It
was all going fine and I was just beginning to install the required
packages . I think I finished installing build-essentials , after which I
locked the screen and went out for dinner and when I returned and tried to
login , I was(am) unable to . Even the splash screen doesn't load after
entering the password . I just get a still screen with the elarun
background . I'm trying to fix this as I am desperate not to have to
install it all over again(albeit it is just on a Vbox !)

Has anyone else encountered this problem ? It'd be great if anyone could
share a solution if any .

Warm Regards.

Thanking You,
R.Harish Navnit
The Enigma <http://harishnavnit.wordpress.com>
Plasma-devel mailing list

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