On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 9:21 PM, R.Harish Navnit <harishnav...@gmail.com>wrote:

> R.Harish Navnit
> The Enigma <http://harishnavnit.wordpress.com>
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Shantanu Tushar Jha 
> <shaan...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> My guess is your disk might be full. How much disk space did you allocate
>> the VM?
> Yes , that was an error initially , I'd allocated more than 50% !!! I did
> resize it however and now in trying to fix this , I dropped down to the
> root shell and I guess I really messed it up :P

50% of how much? Tell me in GB

> Also, it might be helpful to take a look at the file .xsession-errors in
>> your home dir.
> I'm unable to reach even the grub now :) I'll check it if possible , else
> another fresh install again . #Screwed

You must have a special power that attracts errors your way :P

> Thanks a lot .
> Regards.
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