On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 1:22 AM, Marco Martin wrote:

> so of all that, let's see what we have, what we don't and how we can make
> shippable
> * plasma theme: check
> * wallpaper: once is ready, where we do put it?
> * widget style: we have the qtcurve settings, i failed as well to contact
> the
> (supposedly new) maintainers
> * icons: those should also be imported somewhere
> * am i missing something?
The full list in the Breeze project repo is:
* colors - ready to ship (still need to set as default)
* cursors - ready to ship as default (I assume this is being set as default)
* widget styles: qtcurve settings - ready to ship (Also need to ship
QtCurve as an included style like "Fusion" and "MS Window 9x". Still need
to figure out how to get QtCurve to use it by default since its settings UI
is not yet in Qt5 port.)
* widget styles: Qt Quick controls style - A few bug fixes remain but
should be ready to ship
* window decoration: Aurorae QML - ready to ship
* window decoration: Aurorae svg - ready to ship
* wallpapers: once they're ready I say put 'em here. We'll need to get them
selected and a default chosen before the artwork freeze on May 29th (is
that date still right?)

 Not in the Breeze project repo:
* plasma theme - ready to ship (probably a few minor fixes before artwork
* icons - with the actions complete pretty well fleshed out and everything
else baselined on Flattr, I'm thinking we're closing in on something very
much shippable.

If it's not already done, we still need to disable the oxygen background
gradient since, far as I can tell, that's still our default window
decoration and widget style for the first release.

Hope this helps!

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