On May 13, 2014 4:55 AM, "Ivan Čukić" wrote:
> > I tried that last week, and it looked really underwhelming. We *can*
> > gradient and adjust color scheme, but at that point, it becomes clear
> > our artwork is half-assed, in Oxygen, the Breeze color scheme lacks
> > and contrast. Try it for yourself.
> I have tried it and have to agree. The colour scheme does not suit oxygen
> all.

Thanks, this is helpful. The main motivation was to make the application
and the desktop portions look a little less like they're from different
ends of the universe. It seems that specific color scheme didn't accomplish
that. I think we can come up with a color scheme better suited to Oxygen
(better depth and contrast) and that uses a similar palette to the plasma
theme. If we think its worth it I'll do that today.

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