On Friday 16 May 2014, David Edmundson wrote:
> We have an extra month. Lets do it.
> As for your application, I think we need a guard on
> if (QFile::exists( theQStyleRcFile ) {
>   return;
> }
> so we don't trash user configs.
> group.writeEntry("widgetStyle", "oxygen");
> seems wrong
> Is the plan to add a kconf_update script to run this?
> Or have it run by startkde? or by the user manually?

it can't be a kconf_update, becasue is a kde4 application and has to be 
executed at a plasma next session startup.
so should be an autostart application.

at the moment is a kde4 application to be safer to access config of kde4
(otherwise i guess would be possible by just accessing ~/.kde or ~/kde4 going 
by attempts, but a bit more error prone perhaps)

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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