On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 07:29:43PM +0200, Marco Martin wrote:
> Hi all,
> one thing that as i understood was needed in the mobile UI of Subsurface, is 
> the possibility to add other buttons in the action buttons at the bottom.
> here's how my prototype looks like: http://imgur.com/VTHbDBJ

Hmm. That looks like one button to me. And way too easy to tap on the
wrong end of that badge shaped thingy... I'd much rather have three
circles, a bigger one in the middle, and zero, one, or two smaller ones,
with some visual separation between them

> From discussions with the designers, it seems it should be always limited to 
> at most three buttons, and this of course influences the final API: there 
> should then be 3 separate actions properties instead of a list of an 
> arbitrary 
> number of actions, like it happens for context menu actions

Thomas has beaten me into submission, yes, three should be enough.

> Page {
>       actions {
>               main: Action {...}
>               left: Action {...}
>               right: Action {...}
>               contextualActions: [
>                               Action {...},
>                       Action{...}
>               ]
>       }
> }
> opinions? comments? (would be a problem for subsurface for eventually 
> adapting 
> existing stuff to new api?)

Cute. I like it. Just make sure that I can use variables to assign to this
as the available buttons will change depending on context for us.

Switching to a new API isn't really a big deal for us. I build all the
binaries and we already have that little script that always pulls the
latest upstream Kirigamit. It would be nice to have a grace period where
both work, or you can make it a hard switch (I think that would require to
go to version 2.x of Kirigami).

A few days of lead time would be nice, too :-)

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