On Montag, 18. April 2016 11:28:04 CEST Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 07:29:43PM +0200, Marco Martin wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > one thing that as i understood was needed in the mobile UI of Subsurface,
> > is the possibility to add other buttons in the action buttons at the
> > bottom. here's how my prototype looks like: http://imgur.com/VTHbDBJ
> Hmm. That looks like one button to me. And way too easy to tap on the
> wrong end of that badge shaped thingy... I'd much rather have three
> circles, a bigger one in the middle, and zero, one, or two smaller ones,
> with some visual separation between them

We're still fine-tuning the visual design, with separated buttons still being 
an option.
We are of course also aware of the danger of accidentally hitting the wrong 
button, which is why we'll iterate a bit on whether we can make it work well 
with long-enough "ledges".

Three buttons are always a fallback option, but they just don't really look 
all that nice, so we'll see if we can come up with something that is both 
good-looking _and_ works ergonomically. 

The "one big button with three areas" look also has the advantage that it can 
be used as a bigger additional handle for opening the drawers (as screen 
corners are not really easy to reach).

As always, we try to see how far we can push a new style first, and then lt 
that measure up to reality. It's always an iterative process.

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