Hi, yesterday I published a new version of my "Take a break" plasmoid ( http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Take+a+break?content=174127 ). It now includes a little-but-useful library, "TextSize.qml", that contains a description and an example of use.
Is there any repository of contributed libraries, where I can upload the library to, and where other developers can easily browse/find libraries to (re)use in their plasmoids?
If not, I would like to propose to create such repository. For example, it could be similar to "http://kde-apps.org/" page, but only for libraries (let's say "http://kde-libs.org/"). The users of the page would be developers, and the "things" uploaded/downloaded/browsed/searched would be libraries, instead of programs.
In this way, before developing a new plasmoid, the developer would search for reusable libraries, contributed by other developers. I think it would promote the creation of modular plasmoids, with more reusable parts, and the sharing of solutions to common problems.
What do you think?
Thank you
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