On Saturday, May 14, 2016, Martin Klapetek wrote:
> Then make it happen :)
> The reality of the matter is that in KDE we wouldn't have
> no use for such server as we put all we need into our own
> libraries. Plus we all have our hands in more than a handful
> of projects.
> If you think such server would be a good thing, then go ahead
> and create it. Things don't just magically happen, they need
> people behind it. And if your idea will appeal to wider audience,
> you will attract more people.
> That's how great things in open source world get created.

Well, it wouldn't have to be a new server, it could be just a new web in the
same server, as I proposed, since cloning is easier than creating the whole
thing from scratch.

I see many options, ordered by required effort:

1. Zero effort: Keep things as they are currently: Everything in the "Qt
Components" section of http://qt-apps.org .

2. Low effort: Add the proposed sections (Qt 5 C++ libs, Qt 5 QML libs, ...)
to http://qt-apps.org .

3. Medium effort: Clone http://qt-apps.org web to a new http://qt-libs.org web
(or similar) in the same server.

4. High effort: Create new http://qt-libs.org web in a new server from
scratch, independent of http://qt-apps.org .

I think second option would be very easy to implement (just by adding more
sections) for the admins of http://qt-apps.org . The only problem I see is
that app sections (for users) would be mixed with lib sections (for
developers) in the same web. In fact, they are currently mixed :-)

Third option implies cloning the web. It can sound as difficult, but having
in mind that many clones already exist ( http://kde-apps.org/ ,
http://qt-apps.org/ , http://kde-look.org/ , http://gtk-apps.org/ ,
http://gnome-look.org/ , ...), and that all of them are under the umbrella of
http://opendesktop.org/ , I would say that creating another clone (for qt/kde
libs) could be easy.

Perhaps someone in this forum knows about http://opendesktop.org/ and the
posibilities to implement 2nd/3rd options. Anyone? If not, I will ask to
http://opendesktop.org/ admins next weekend.

Thank you
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