IRC is too uncommon to be "ship by default" - Cantata is not relevant enough 
and VLC will work as that if needed, or something more simplistic would be 
good (and Luca's criticism is relevant as the distro maintainers for distros 
more focused on software freedom would have massive issues).

The lightest possible image viewer would be good but to be honest there are 
very few that fit the bill: some stick to menubars on top (for no reason) some 
use a completely different logic than normal (like Photoqt) making them fiddly 
to use. Gwenview but edited to at least not stick to the menu bar logic would 
be good enough I suppose.

Also isn't Kwalletmanager dead and the replacement has yet to make an 
appearence? (is there any other walletmanager, Qtbased that would be a good 
replacement until the replacement comes along?)

Aside from that I ppersonally have no objections.

On Monday, 4 July 2016 14:43:07 CEST Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> every now and then, distributions approach us asking which applications they
> should ship by default with Plasma, or they complain about us not providing
> such information.
> Although the Plasma team of course does not have to provide such
> information, it may still be helpful also for us because we can try to make
> sure that these applications work well in Plasma.
> Choosing such applications is not an easy task, but to get things started, a
> group of people who were stranded in Bielefeld waiting for their trains
> after a meeting sat together to come up with an initial suggestion. Here is
> the result:
> File manager: Dolphin
> Music player: Cantata
> Video player: VLC
> Document viewer: Okular
> Software center: Discover
> Communication: Konversation, KDE Telepathy (cautiously, because while it
> works well at the moment, it is also looking for a maintainer)
> Password storage: KWalletmanager, kwallet-pam
> Hardware support: Skanlite, Print manager
> Utilities/system tools: KCalc, KDE Connect, Konsole, KSysguard, Kate, Kamoso
> (if a distro wants to ship a webcam app at all)
> Office suite: We do not recommend one at the moment
> Pim suite: We do not recommend one at the moment.
> Browser: We do not recommend one at the moment
> If an applicaiton does not show up in this list, this does of course not
> mean we don't like the application or the team behind it, it just means
> that we _currently_ don't feel confident to recommend it to users.
> This is our initial proposal, now we'd like to get the input from the rest
> of the Plasma team!
> Thanks,
> Thomas
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