After some consideration I think I would pick anditosan's proposal. With my second being Kver's fourth icon.
My reasoning is the following:
- It's so simple a child could draw it
- It's easily recognizable without being noisy
- It's simplicity allows both flexibility and works well at different sizes

All of the above fits Ken's 4th too. Now since I implicitly rejected the others I want to give some feedback on them too, as I sadly didn't have time to do so on the forum.

Quiralta's proposal is simple and uses a metaphor potential users are very familiar with. However, it appears noisy. That mostly stems from 3 things:
- there are overlaps
- the overlaps have different sizes
- it shows a line of action
Now one can argue the first two point for anditosan's proposal too, however, in combination these really stand out. For anyone who wants to draw comics/mangas/anything involving moving objects one will eventually find the "line of action" technique¹. Basically, we are able to infer that objects/persons in picture/drawing have a motion to them because one can draw an imaginary line through the object around which the object[s] are structured. The more the line is bent, the more dramatic the movement is.

AlexL's proposal probably fits best to the KDE logo and it is simply and easily recognizable. However, it also suffers from the same problems as the K-logo. The details of the gear are lost on smaller sizes, and width at the base of the teeth is much bigger than the line connecting the actual teeth with each other. Which especially at smaller sizes looks muddled. Then there's also the problem that the cog icon, while abstract, is not abstract enough. It's an often use metaphor or settings/mechanism etc. Combining the arrow with the cog does not manage to separate it from the settings metaphor. So the unknowing will most likely search for meaning in the cog metaphor first before exploring other possibilities when trying to interpret the icon. Which leads to it looking strange, as on the one hand it has a clear metaphor, while inducing ambiguity about its actual meaning. Contrast that with anditosan's icon, which is abstract enough to not immediately associate it with a common metaphor, while not being completely foreign. And last but not least the cog is quite harsh. It's associated with industry, manual labour, and – more abstract – thinking, analysis and work. While the round shapes for anditosan's proposal are more humanizing, soft and overall more inviting and friendlier.

With all that being said: I would caution against on choosing the one™ solution too quickly. I think Ken has shown nicely that anditosan's proposal is worthy of further investigation. We ought to flash out its usage in different scenarios (think different styles, sizes, contrasts etc.), so I would propose to hold a second round, so to speak where we investigate the concept further to finalize it.

[1] An example from a carton visualizing the concept
One can apply the same for real world situations.

Am 25.07.2016 um 20:54 schrieb Thomas Pfeiffer:
Dear Plasma development team, dear VDG,
the official deadline for the Plasma logo contest has passed yesterday.
We have five entries into the contest, with one actually consisting of five different mash-ups and modifications of the other entries, and one being Plasma's current logo.
You can find all the proposals here:
I think we have quite a good selection here, and hope that we can find something here which we can agree on. In the contest thread, I promised a jury consisting of VDG members and Plasma team members. Now I've decided that since the whole Plasma team has to be able to identify themselves with the logo, and all VDG members should have the possibility to chip in as well, everyone who participates in the discussion is part of the jury. There won't be a voting process. Either we can agree on a logo, or everything stays like it is (the official Plasma logo still being what we have now, and the K logo being used for the launchers). I'd give us a discussion period until Sunday, unless a clear agreement can be reached before that. Please refer to the logo proposals by the creator's forum name (remember that our current logo is Uri's, not mine ;) ), and for Ken's just say e.g. "Ken's fourth logo". Happy discussions, here is to us finding a logo we can all (at least more or less) identify with!

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