On 22.08.2016 23:59, Ivan Čukić wrote:
I'll chime in as well.

First of all the main problem I have with this 'searching for the new
logo' is that we are not really searching for the new Plasma logo, but
an icon that could replace the k-gear one
Yes, this is indeed a problem. Originally we were looking for a logo, but we don't think that a logo which is not visible anywhere in the desktop itself has much of a chance of actually becoming recognized. This is why we're looking for a logo that would also work as a launcher icon. That said, logo and launcher icon do not have to be identical, as long as they share enough so that people can recognize the logo from the icon and vice versa.

The VDG would be fine if we'd look for a logo first and then went on to derive an icon from that (that was Andy's intention when creating his logo proposal, btw), but we don't want to choose a new logo if the Plasma team would not be willing to use an icon which is derived from it as the launcher icon.

I honestly don't think we should rush this for 5.8, we need more ideas.

The downside of not having a new logo with 5.8 is that the LTS would be stuck with the current situation.
Of course we don't want a logo which the team does not like, either, however.

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