
    On Monday 22 August 2016, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
    >/As per the Plasma team's request, I have now created a Wiki page
    with all />/submissions as presented in the forum, and - where available - 
    they />/would look in a Panel. />/You can find that page here: 
/>/Each submission now has a number which should be referenced in the 
/>/discussion. It would be even nicer to have a completely standardized 
/>/presentation, but none of us had the combination of time and skills 
/>/necessary to create that. I hope this helps, anyway. /
    I'll give a quick feedback on each one of them
    1: i find it a bit too generic, with the > iside is better, but a gear 
    me too much of "options", "configure" or stuff like that
    2: as I said before, the concept is neat but is really too generic, can't 
    really get behind this one as is now
    3: don't like it, sorry :/
    4: surprisingly all in all, is probably still the one that i like more 
    (I still find it an issue of looking like 4 disjointed things)
    5: missing from wiki, i like it but may be a bit too complicated (and 
    me the konqueror icon)
    6: probably the best one as is now
    7: missing from wiki, don't like it much
    8: better than 2, but as is now, i find a bit disturbing that the outline 
    the planet and the > have very different weights (so makes it obvious 
that's 2 
    things patched up), if the > was as slim as the outline, we could have a 
    winner there
    9: missing from wiki, don't like it much
    10: looks like it was 1, but with a rendering glitch :/
    11: don't like it much, has the same problems as a gear has, but even more 
    complicated, looking disjointed
    12: don't like it, sorry :/
    13: don't like it, sorry :/

While I agree with most of Marcos points, I find (4) the best.
It is imo the most individual and intuitively one I associated with
"Plasma" and the idea of modularity (three dots = widgets/expandable
when needed) and effectiveness (the plain cursor for speed and
simpleness default).

About the idea clinging to the gear symbol:
I find it distracts from the point to give Plasma a true identity on its
own, so all of the gear variants will imo have people still associating
it likely with "KDE" and not Plasma.
(6) to me personally looks the least attractive, as I feel its more like
a broken or half-finished logo, possibly reinforcing the idea/perception
of some people that KDE software is always somewhat not complete or
ready and releasing beta or "half-baked" software.

Overall, I would pick (4), as it imo
- works great as a logo (imagine a shirt with just the plasma logo like
nike or addidas)
- looks also nice as a launcher icon (simply white or dark autochanging
without any color around it),
- already brands nicely "Plasma Mobile" (with nobody yet refering to as
"KDE mobile")
- looks good even if used tinily as a placeholder for the menu icon in
Window Decoration kcm:

So its already looking good in those instances, which imo none of the
alternatives would look better or equally well.

Cheers, Clemens.

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