On Thursday, December 8, 2016 7:17:31 PM CET Michail Vourlakos wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> in NowDock I have managed to subclass a QuickWindow in order to provide
> masking and various visibility states for the dock.
> In all the visibility states I am setting for this subclassed window:
> m_dockWindow->setFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint|Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus)
> ; KWindowSystem::setState(m_dockWindow->winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar |
> NET::SkipPager);
> but even though the above code enables me to make my dock ontop or
> onbottom when I need it, it doesnt hide my dock from the "present
> windows effect" and from the "Alt+Tab". I tried to use:
> KWindowSystem::setType(m_dockWindow->winId(), NET::Dock);
> m_dockWindow->setFlags(m_dockWindow->flags() ^ (Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint));
> but it didnt help, the dock is still shown in the window effects....

There is no way for a window to hint that it should be excluded from 
switchers. Only inside KWin there is a windows-specific rule to exclude windows 
from switchers.

The problem here is clearly that your window is still accepting focus. If it 
doesn't accept focus KWin will skip it. So verify with xprop and xwininfo that 
the window is really excluding focus.


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