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Plasma Meeting 13-3-2017

Present: notmart, kbroulik, Riddell, sebas

* triaging
* mini edit mode for the desktop: open applet handles when toolbox is open, 
similar to panel https://phabricator.kde.org/D4969
Diff 4969 "open applet handles when the toolbox is open" [Needs Review] 
* prettyfication of lock screen on screen keyboard layout and transitions 
Diff 4893 "Layout and animations on the on screen keyboard" [Needs Review] 
* fixed a crash during plasmashell teardown in the notification applet
* don't show autohide panels when they resize (pushed)
* a couple of days spent into investigating into a kwin repaint issue together 
with david: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4989 still didn't manage to find a 
final solution (problem: aurorae is seriously broken)
Diff 4989 "more aggressively repaint when the shadow changes" [Needs Review] 
* desktop scripting functions for locking/unlocking the corona 
Diff 5009 "add functions for locking/unlocking the corona" [Needs Review] 
* function in desktop scripting to lock/unlock the corona: 
* Kirigami2:
  * custom mouse wheel management for internal scroll views to have a more 
desktop feel (pushed, still needs some improvements)
note1: some of those review requests are rotting away since weeks, i would 
appreciate a review, but in any case, i want to get most of them pushed by this 
note2: the kwin aurorae border repaint issue is very frustrating, i am pretty 
much out of ideas, so is david, if anybody can have one, would be pretty 

Did a well-received blog post about my recent work: 
I got a patch for hybrid suspend support in PowerDevil, might work on that a 
bit (e.g. also register keyboard shortcut for that, Kickoff entry in Leave menu 
Worked on a places:/ KIO slave, this way you could have e.g. a FolderView in 
your panel showing your places. WIP patch D4979
Diff 4979 "Add places:/ KIO slave" [Needs Review] 
While doing that I also did some fixes to Dolphin, now properly honors 
"UDS_HIDDEN" for files, even if they don't start with a dot. Also, opening a 
new Dolphin window will have proper bouncy cursor icon now.
Some more improvements for FolderView.
Menu key on desktop will now trigger the context menu (you can now change your 
wallpaper using only your keyboard, yay ...)

anyway I was working on kauth with dan and tidying up imagewriter so finally 
KDE will have an app to write ISO images to USB disks
I'll be after some feedback on it and what features might be useful when it's 
I don't know if it would be useful as Plasma, probably not but worth pondering
no releases this week
I'm in Manchester so not so much online for a talk at FLOSSUK

- had a look at the digiclock code to gauge what's necessary to implement a 
themed clock with QML faces - WIP
- still caught up in private stuff which blocks on different fronts
- still dot story on my plate

IRC Log:

[11:59:56] <sebas> Meeting! Who's there?
[12:00:21] <notmart> here
[12:00:23] <kbroulik> here
[12:00:45] <sebas> shall we start already? notmart...
[12:01:10] <notmart> ok
[12:01:32] <notmart> * triaging
[12:01:34] <notmart> * mini edit mode for the desktop: open applet handles when 
toolbox is open, similar to panel https://phabricator.kde.org/D4969
[12:01:34] <sKreamer> Diff 4969 "open applet handles when the toolbox is open" 
[Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4969
[12:01:35] <notmart> * prettyfication of lock screen on screen keyboard layout 
and transitions https://phabricator.kde.org/D4893
[12:01:35] <sKreamer> Diff 4893 "Layout and animations on the on screen 
keyboard" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4893
[12:01:37] <notmart> * fixed a crash during plasmashell teardown in the 
notification applet
[12:01:38] <notmart> * don't show autohide panels when they resize (pushed)
[12:01:40] <notmart> * a couple of days spent into investigating into a kwin 
repaint issue together with david: https://phabricator.kde.org/D4989 still 
didn't manage to find a final solution (problem: aurorae is seriously broken)
[12:01:40] <sKreamer> Diff 4989 "more aggressively repaint when the shadow 
changes" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D4989
[12:01:41] <notmart> * desktop scripting functions for locking/unlocking the 
corona https://phabricator.kde.org/D5009
[12:01:41] <sKreamer> Diff 5009 "add functions for locking/unlocking the 
corona" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D5009
[12:01:43] <notmart> * function in desktop scripting to lock/unlock the corona: 
[12:01:44] <notmart> * Kirigami2:
[12:01:46] <notmart>   * custom mouse wheel management for internal scroll 
views to have a more desktop feel (pushed, still needs some improvements)
[12:02:37] <notmart> note1: some of those review requests are rotting away 
since weeks, i would appreciate a review, but in any case, i want to get most 
of them pushed by this week
[12:03:00] <sebas> Aye, I'll try to get some of them reviewed at least
[12:03:05] <notmart> thx
[12:03:17] <sebas> kbroulik: your turn
[12:03:33] <kbroulik> Worked on a places:/ KIO slave, this way you could have 
e.g. a FolderView in your panel showing your places. WIP patch D4979
[12:03:33] <sKreamer> Diff 4979 "Add places:/ KIO slave" [Needs Review] 
[12:03:37] <kbroulik> While doing that I also did some fixes to Dolphin, now 
properly honors "UDS_HIDDEN" for files, even if they don't start with a dot. 
Also, opening a new Dolphin window will have proper bouncy cursor icon now.
[12:03:42] <kbroulik> Some more improvements for FolderView.
[12:03:45] <kbroulik> Menu key on desktop will now trigger the context menu 
(you can now change your wallpaper using only your keyboard, yay ...)
[12:03:47] <notmart> note2: the kwin aurorae border repaint issue is very 
frustrating, i am pretty much out of ideas, so is david, if anybody can have 
one, would be pretty appreciated
[12:03:57] <notmart> done now
[12:03:59] <kbroulik> Did a well-received blog post about my recent work: 
[12:04:03] <kbroulik> I got a patch for hybrid suspend support in PowerDevil, 
might work on that a bit (e.g. also register keyboard shortcut for that, 
Kickoff entry in Leave menu etc)
[12:04:27] <kbroulik> questions || next
[12:04:39] <sebas> nice
[12:04:52] <sebas> on that note, anybody else deeply unhappy with the logout 
[12:05:05] --> fabian_ (~fab...@pd95b0311.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined 
[12:05:14] <notmart> what does make people unhappy?
[12:05:27] <sebas> The text of each item is barely readable, the icons don't 
tell me what's what, and whatever I presect (by clicking shutdown in kickoff 
for example) is not very visible
[12:05:48] <Riddell> ook
[12:06:12] <kbroulik> it's a bit unfortunate that you cannot just Kickoff → 
Leave → Reboot → OK. you have to look again at the dialog and choose there
[12:06:21] <notmart> sebas: i have some ideas for some incremental improvements 
that would fix some of those issues
[12:06:49] <notmart> without going over yet another deeply tiring redesign with 
[12:06:58] <sebas> notmart: nice!
[12:08:02] <sebas> Riddell: your turn
[12:08:12] <fvogt> In opensuse we made the background color a bit darker, the 
text has a high enough contrast. However, it's not visible at all what's 
selected: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/368979#step/shutdown/1
[12:08:48] <kbroulik> selection  should be whiter than the test, rhough
[12:09:18] <Riddell> I had stuff to say
[12:09:26] <Riddell> then you asked about the logout dialog and I clicked 
[12:09:37] <Riddell> only this doesn't show the dialog it just suspeds and I 
lost my connection
[12:09:40] <Riddell> oh life is cruel!
[12:09:47] <fvogt> kbroulik: It does, but it fades in slowly...
[12:10:03] <Riddell> anyway I was working on kauth with dan and tidying up 
imagewriter so finally KDE will have an app to write ISO images to USB disks
[12:10:21] <Riddell> I'll be after some feedback on it and what features might 
be useful when it's working
[12:10:43] <Riddell> I don't know if it would be useful as Plasma, probably not 
but worth pondering
[12:10:56] <Riddell> no releases this week
[12:11:11] <Riddell> I'm in Manchester so not so much online for a talk at 
[12:11:30] <sebas> Riddell: KDE Applications maybe, otherwise extragear?
[12:11:35] <sebas> I wouldn't put it under Plasma
[12:11:50] <Riddell> yeah
[12:11:53] <-- ShalokShalom (~quas...@192-164-250-158.adsl.highway.telekom.at) 
has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[12:12:20] --> ShalokShalom (~quas...@mobiledyn2.mrsn.at) has joined #plasma
[12:12:26] <Riddell> or I'm pondering putting bits in like checking the ISO gpg 
signature which might make it neon specific at which point it should get a neon 
[12:12:50] <Riddell> anyway, indyref2 announce in 20 minutes, get the popcorn!
[12:12:52] <sebas> still no Plasma material :)
[12:13:13] <sebas> indyref for Scotland?
[12:14:00] <Riddell> yeah, probably not relevant to Plasma but it's all the 
exitement here :)
[12:14:42] <sebas> hehe maybe not
[12:14:49] <sebas> let me finish then ...
[12:14:59] <sebas> - had a look at the digiclock code to gauge what's necessary 
to implement a themed clock with QML faces - WIP
[12:14:59] <sebas> - still caught up in private stuff which blocks on different 
[12:14:59] <sebas> - still dot story on my plate
[12:16:24] <notmart> sebas: when you have a prototype, or just a writeup of the 
ideas on how to do it, i would like to have a look to review/feedback :)
[12:16:29] <Riddell> let me know if you need a hand with the dot story
[12:16:39] <sebas> notmart: prototype shortly, I hope
[12:17:05] <sebas> I'm still figuring a few things out, like which of the 
javascript is actually needed and where exactly, and how to share it
[12:17:55] <sebas> Riddell: thanks! I'll try some more, and will ask for your 
[12:18:16] <sebas> Also, really good personal news: I almost got a new house to 
live, and it's fucking awesome
[12:19:38] <sebas> I think we're done for today ... thanks everybody!
[12:19:52] <sebas> I'll send the minutes momentarily
[12:19:54] <notmart> if date and times in qml weren't that broken, i would 
sugest just having a DateTime object property in the root item of the clock 
face and then bre pretty much done with it
[12:20:06] <sebas> notmart: yeah...
[12:20:17] <sebas> it's the mess we wrote to work around that brokenness though
[12:20:31] <sebas> there's quite some javascript functions fixing things up 
left and right, and cornercases
[12:20:54] <sebas> and all our edgecases of course, much of the current 
digiclocks code is "orientation this, size that" and trying to make it fit
[12:21:18] <notmart> so, the base class of the face would have to have a full 
api for conversion, formatting of dates, timezones and all that pain
[12:21:29] <sebas> we don't want to end up with "this face works vertically, 
the other one doesn't"
[12:21:30] <-- Delta-One (~zero@2001:2002:51e2:7ba1:6391:acc7:b55f:c617) has 
quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[12:21:34] <notmart> yep
[12:21:41] <sebas> pretty much, yeah
[12:22:13] <notmart> formfactor and location will need to be directly exposed
[12:22:40] <notmart> but in the end still responsibility of the face to adapt 
to the corner cases i guess
[12:22:50] <sebas> it already it through the plasmoid object
[12:23:19] <notmart> so nothing would stop someone to upload on on the store 
that works exactly in one case and is completely broken in other
[12:23:33] <notmart> ah right, plasmoid would still be accessible
[12:23:37] <sebas> as soon as we allow faces from the store, yes
[12:24:02] <sebas> I may redirect plasmoid though, so I can load the faces 
natively in the config dialog for previewing
[12:24:18] <notmart> and yeah, would need 2-3 releases without store support 
for adjusting the thing ourselves and be confident enough to unleash the herd 
over it
[12:24:29] --> sant1040 (~sant1...@r167-60-221-95.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy) 
has joined #plasma
[12:25:51] <notmart> hmm, plasmoid should be accessible from the config dialog
[12:26:09] <kbroulik> speaking of faces for clocks, should we have theme 
packages for analog clock faces?
[12:26:09] <kbroulik> I think that was one of the few valid usecases for the 
theme details thing though done the wrong way
[12:26:16] <sebas> notmart: ow, okay
[12:26:33] <sebas> kbroulik: yeah, could be pretty cool
[12:26:44] <sebas> same idea as for the digiclock actually
[12:27:00] <notmart> well, in the end there would be one clock applet with 
faces and the analog clock just a face?
[12:27:14] <notmart> could still export own desktop file to load as it was a 
different applet
[12:27:18] <sebas> maybe...
[12:27:23] <notmart> but that may become a trick just like icon tasks
[12:27:29] <sebas> depends on implementation details I think, but could be done

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