hpereiradacosta added a comment.

  I have no objection to the change, in principle. 
  - I feel that the top shadow at least should be somewhat smaller than the 
three other sides. Comments welcome
  - could you check with ALake. He is also VDG and the original 
style/decoration designer. If he already gives his approval on any other 
channel (e.g. Telegram), then fine with me too.
  - there is another review (I think, don't remember which), on the same topic, 
and which should be discarded if this one gets landed.
  - Did you check that there is no *glitch* with the shadow maximum size, on 
small size tooltips' shadow. (last time I checked there was one, which I had no 
time to fix).

  R31 Breeze



To: ngraham, abetts, hpereiradacosta, #vdg, #breeze
Cc: januz, rpelorosso, apol, mvourlakos, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, progwolff, 
lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, mart

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