I want to provide a dbus service in KWin to export the state. Apps cannot use 
libinput directly, one needs root for that.


Am 4. Januar 2018 23:22:43 MEZ schrieb Marco Martin <notm...@gmail.com>:
>Hi all,
>one thing i wanted to look into, is to detect when a trasformable
>laptop goes 
>in tablet mode from applications, so that plasmashell and kirigami apps
>adapt themselves and do things(tm)
>KWin does that (on wayland) already, and i see it uses libinput for
>that, like 
>i seem to evince from this recent commit (and the logic when to show
>the on 
>screen keyboard)
>would a normal application use libinput too or is something reserved to
>what would be the right way(tm) there? a dbus signal from KWin?

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