christianlopez added a comment.

  Hi, i was playing a bit with the code and i'm noticing you can get good 
looking images without activating the smooth and without making the thumbnails 
look blurry, also i think i know the reason why the thumbnails look distorted. 
At the line 239 in  FolderItemDelegate.qml there's the object 
PlasmaCore.IconItem which has the properties width and height. At the momen:  
the properties are calculated the following way:
    width: root.useListViewMode ? main.GridView.view.iconSize : (parent.width - 
2 * units.smallSpacing)
    height: main.GridView.view.iconSize
  I notices this produces numbers like: width: 81.5714 height: 48 or with: 
97.8333 height, 64 or width: 64.35 height: 32
  In all this cases both numbers are very different and i noticed the more 
different this numbers are between them the more distorted and blocky the 
thumbnail looks, i managed to produce perfectly looking thumbnails by putting 
the same number in both fields, for example: width: 80 height: 80, 
interestingly this doesn't affects the proportions of the thumbnails.
  The problem is that if the icons are configured, for example to have an icon 
size of 48 they'll be much smaller if we use: width: 48 height 48, and if we 
use the calculated value of 81.57 in both: width: 81.57 height: 81.57 the 
thumbnails will be very big so there must be a way set the same number on both 
properties while making the thumbnails to be shown at the desired size.
  Here's how it looks normally with the calculated values in the code (width: 
97.8333 height: 64):
  F5698834: Screenshot_20180208_115655.png 
  This is how it looks if i set with: 64 height: 64 :
  F5698842: Screenshot_20180208_115930.png 
  This is how it looks if i set with: 98 height: 98 :
  F5698844: Screenshot_20180208_120034.png 
  I don't know if this information may help, it's the first time i try to 
modify the code of plasma.

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: hein, #plasma, broulik, ngraham
Cc: christianlopez, markg, broulik, ngraham, kossebau, plasma-devel, ZrenBot, 
progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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